Landry Land
My friend Nicole went to a sweet swap and got a yummy holiday recipe. I was lucky because she let me taste one of these delicious treats, thanks Nicole! I can't give all of you one, but I can share this recipe with you. (Leslie, they remind me of the recipe you shared with some of us at Dena's shower) Enjoy!
1 bag of Oreo Cookies (1 lb. 2oz)
1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese (softened)
4 squares sweet Bakers chocolate (white or dark) or 2 tubs microwave dipping chocolate ( I tasted it with white chocolate)
Crush oreos in a food processor until crumbly like sand. Blend cream cheese into Oreos. Roll into one inch balls and place onto parchment lined sheet pan. Cool in refrigerator.
Melt chocolate on very low heat in a double broiler or in microwave. Dip cooled balls into melted chocolate and place on parchment paper. Refrigerate until firm. Store balls in an airtight container at room temperature.
I had a doctor's appt. today. I scheduled the ultrasound, so there are only 29 days left to vote on boy or girl! I can't wait, Jan. 10th!
Oh, let them dry.
Call my mommy and let her know if you want me to give you a pedicure!
Today we met Savannah Grace and her mommy Nicole at the front of our neighborhood to take some pictures. Caroline was not interested, she kept telling me " I'm fine Mommy," meaning no I will not cooperate with picture taking! We managed to get one good shot, not this one, the good picture is a surprise! I don't think Caroline wants to be a model for Baby Gap!
The soon to be Big Sister
Riding a Corn Train at a pumpkin patch
Before church one Sunday
Riding the train at the zoo with friends
Caroline's new "smile"
Being a princess is a reason to smile!
We are still alive, just been busy! My Grandmother visited, her and my mom left for Dem. Rep. of Congo last week, and the three of us went to Louisiana this weekend to visit Josh's grandma. I will update with some pictures soon!
Savannah Grace (8 months) and Caroline. Caroline calls her Nana Grace :)
To start this story off, a few weeks ago I left a pair of tennis shoes outside. Today I decided I had to bring them in and wash them. I throw them in the washing machine and go on my merry way. I hear the washer end, I lift the lid, there are my 2 tennis shoes AND A FROG!!!!!! Yes my friends a Frog. A big one I might add, and I HATE big frogs, YUCK! So, I slam the washer lid down and try to decide what I am going to do. Caroline is napping, so I have to keep my frog hysteria down to a whisper! I call a friend and she laughs, laughs a bit more, and thinks that waiting until Josh gets home is not a bad idea. Of course I agreed with that idea. When he got home I told him what I needed him to do, he laughed, and went to take care of the frog. Another twist to this story, the poor frog was alive. I gave him an old oatmeal container to catch it and set it free, I hid in the pantry while he took care of it! He has been ribbiting at me since the incident. Ha Ha Josh. I want to throw the shoes away, but he said I can't. We will see what happens to them tomorrow, maybe I will "man-up" and deal with them! He was my hero today, there is no way I could have dealt with that frog!
Caroline has slowly been getting into playing pretend. She loves her baby dolls, and she takes superior care of them! Today she has been pretending she is "leaving", which means she goes in the living room and sits in her car. Then she comes back to the kitchen and says "I home, hug" I get a hug and a kiss from her, then she is on her merry way again. It is really, really cute! I love this age, tantrums and all!
Thanks Page Family for tagging us! I am glad it just eight "interesting" things about us.
The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. When I was five I dreamt of being a butterfly, I thought that if I wrapped myself in a cocoon(a sheet) I would wake up and be a beautiful purple and green butterfly...... Still hasn't happened.
2. Caroline would prefer to write with a pen over any other writing utensil. It is so funny, she makes long scribbles. I offer her a crayon, even a cool crayon or marker, she turns it down and looks for a pen. She must get her love of pens from me! Just wait until I can introduce her to the wonderful world of Sharpies.
3. Josh loves to play the piano and hunt. Interesting mix!
4. I could eat dessert for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
5. Caroline's due date was the day after my birthday, but she had other plans, she came 3 days after my bday!
6. Josh won a coloring contest when he was 7 years old, his mom still has the masterpiece!
7. Years before I met Josh I made a list of the perfect husband, Josh is everything on the list,random things and all.
8. I did my student teaching in Oak Cliff. Do you know where that is???
We tag: Victoria, Sanchez Family,My cousin Sara, Dena I will exclude you at this time because of your sleep deprivation!!!!
Labels: Tagged
So cute.
One of the dogs at the wedding, look at it his neck, he got dressed up for the occasion!
The happy couple!
C was on the look out for cows the whole time, here they are!
Labels: Idaho/2007
Actually we have been back from WONDERFUL Idaho for sometime now. I just haven't found the time to post a blog with pictures. I will do that this week!
We got a gym membership the middle of June. I have been trying to go as much as I can recently, that means last week up to now. Well, you get one free session with a personal trainer with the membership. Yesterday I had my free session. It was really good, the trainer really pushed me towork out hard. He had me do ab work on the mat in front of a mirror, at one point I looked at myself and my face looked like a ghost! Then they sit you down, yes there were two muscley (sp?) guys explaining the training plans I could sign up for. Lets just say, I laughed out loud when they showed the me the prices. Anyway, I am following a bunny trail on that topic. Last night I start getting really sore, I mean can barely get out of a chair by myself. Well, today I can barely move! That guy tried to kill me! It is more difficult to move around today, than it was after I had a baby! Ha Ha! That is it! This will pass, and I can go back to my easy workouts! :)