Well, at 2o months I did not think we would be dealing with the "terrible twos". Last week Miss C decided that she was not on my team any more, and that she should be the team leader of an opposing team! AAGGHH! Taking her out in public is like taking a ticking bomb with you on your errands. She loves to SCREAM, I mean SCREAM. Then look right at me, like what ya gonna do about that? So, we have asked for advice from others that have well behaved older kids, and bought several discipline books. This week we are staying home to try to battle it out here, her attitude has improved. We go to a family reunion this weekend.... I hope to have no episodes there!
On the other hand, she is talking up a storm and understands everything! We bought her one of those cars that she makes in go with her little feet. It is the funniest sight to see, her feet move so fast to get the car to GO!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
5 days ago
Hi! i just started my blog as well. I need to fix my camera - or go and buy a new one....
I hope caroline gets her screaming out of her system!
I love that you started a blog and am so excited to keep up with the landry's. and ah yes the terrible 2's we are still in them!
oh and now you have to comment on my page since you have one now too ;)
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