Look at this poor baby! She had her first ear infection last weekend. She has slowly been getting better. Now, sister seems to be under the weather. Next week will be better! Sick kids are no fun, but the cuddling is nice!
Caroline blowing a kiss!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
I hope that she feels better soon... she still is very cute
oh my goodness... poor baby!
From one mother to another. My son had an ear infection. And with having four children. i know ear infections can keep you up all night and your child in pain. The doctor on call told me about Auralan drops. You just put these drops in the child's ear and it numbs the pain right away until the antibitics kicks in.Your child is prbably over the ear infection but this is great stuff if your child ever gets another ear infection. Wish I would have known about this stuff with my other three children when they were younger.
Now that is a sick picture! I tried but I couldn't get a good one-they kept smiling. I hope she is feeling better! I feel YOUR pain.
oh man hope your girls get better soon.
Poor baby!
Poor baby...that first picture is just so sad!! I'm glad they are better now!
Poor baby girl. Ashlyn has felt like that lately.
Pitiful! Hope you're all doing better now!
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