Friday, August 1, 2008

chatter box!

Oh my! I am sitting next to a chatter box. Isn't almost 3 years old to early to be so chatty? Why this, why that. Talking about everything she sees in the room. An excerpt from our current conversation: Cookies, old cups, decorations, naps, milk, the dogs scratching, trucks driving by, sleeping, snoring, needing someone to hold her, why?,hearing something in her room, what do you think it was mommy, a monster, mommy, mommy being loud during nap, a woodpecker waking her up from her nap, sister, being upset and whining, a little singing of Open Shut Them, how puppies eat cookies and of course Jesus....... Do you get the picture? It is precious, don't get me wrong. But, it is non stop. All day. Oh this girl makes me laugh!

And on a side note, she dressed herself for the first time today, she came in my room while I was getting ready and said "don't I look pretty?" The outfit included a dirty, backwards dress with black pants underneath and green crocs on the wrong feet. If I could get her to put matching outfits on we would be in business. It was nice to only get one little girl ready:)


victoria said...

oh yes this is when it began for kg too. and she is still a chatter box and still does not know how to match her clothes. just tonight she was asking me where God was and if he could see us in heaven and if so how could he protect us all and did God create everything and does that mean God created Target?? And did God put that flagpole right there?? and so on...

Cassidy said...

Oh too funny. did God create Target. KG, yes He did creat Target, as a special gift for me and your momma.

victoria said...

I agree ;)

Grow with Griffin said...

Can Caroline get any cuter??? Too bad you don't have a picture of her absolutely fashionable outfit! Sounds like it could have made the cover of Vogue!

Donnell Days said...

I am cracking up at the "pretty" outfit she had on!!! Too cute!