Monday, April 28, 2008

Poor Little Dell

My poor little dell is not longer with us. Thankfully the I.T. guy at Josh's office got all of the pictures(no I had not backed all of them up, some, but not all) and other important stuff off of it. So, my emailing capabilities and blogging will be put on hold for awhile until we get the computer situation figured out.


victoria said...

arggh little dell. maybe you will get a new one for mothers day!

victoria said...

we have sony vaios--laptop and desktop--and they have been very good to us!

Grow with Griffin said...

Ahhh! After reading this post it reminded me that I have a lot of backing up to do with pictures!!! I started with Baby g's pics, but have only gotten up to two months!! Glad I read this tonight- something else to add to my to do list for tomorrow!

Cassidy said...

Learn from my mistake Leslie, go back up right now!!!

nicolepage said...

So sad for the little Dell...maybe it's time for you to enter the world of mac! :)

Cassidy said...

I would love to enter the mac world, but Josh has to agree to go with me! He had planned on going to the apple store today, but ran out of time. :(