Weight 11.01 lbs (75%)
Height 22.5 inches (75%)
Head Circumference 15.5 inches (75%)
Weight 11.01 lbs (75%)
Height 22.5 inches (75%)
Head Circumference 15.5 inches (75%)
Caroline is always thinking, which leads to some pretty interesting conversations. This week in the car. (background info, Caroline has a weird fascination with Josh and I 's belly buttons. When she is tired or upset she will ask if she can touch our buttons. Don't ask me!... We have made her stop doing this, but she still asks.)
Caroline: where does God live?
Mommy: Heaven
Caroline: I want to see Him, can I go to Heaven?
Mommy: You will see Him one day in Heaven, but he is with us all the time right now, wherever we are.
Caroline: Ok, Where is Jesus?
Mommy: With God.
Caroline: Will Jesus let me touch his button??
Mommy: Hysterical Laughter....
Caroline: Yes, I think He will.
Sweet Caroline, one of our many conversations about God.
In the car listening to Veggie Tales
Caroline: What are they singing about?
Mommy: Jesus
Caroline: I want to go see Jesus.
Mommy:Ok. You can talk to Him when you pray.
Caroline: Ok. Does Jesus drive a truck???
Mommy: Again, Laughter.
Labels: C, funny stuff
I got this fun game from Victoria....
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot-- or just from blogland-- anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
As Victoria said, Be Nice ;)
I am late in posting about Susanna turning one month! For her one month birthday everyone got a cold. So, I forgot to post her pictures. Her cute little outfit is from Nicole. Thank you! She looks so cute in it!
The first month has been great. Susanna is so sweet. She loves to be held or close to anyone. She like her little aquarium swing, but hates her papasan chair and swing. Boooo! So, that swing moves around the house a lot. She has super long fingers and toes, just like her dad and sister! We love this little sweetie so much!
Labels: Susanna