These two girls make me laugh, shall I be honest some of these things make me want to scream, but usually I laugh.
in the car she often says"GO woman" talking to cars in front of us. {She already is a Houston driver! }
Everything she eats is delicious
She won't eat food if she doesn't deam to be beautiful {?}
She throws words around like responsible and recognize like Susanna throws food off her traySusanna
WILL.NOT. stay off the kitchen table
every sweet treat is called a dookie{she can't get enough of them}
all animals are called puppies, except cats
she will not say Caroline, only Dister{ask her to say Caroline, she says "Dister"}
she has the cutiest little kissy face
favorite song Itsy Bitsy Spider
looking at books, she HAS to sit in your lap when this happens :)
I remembered recently why I have stored my makeup in a bag on the counter for a couple of years, instead of in the drawer that is meant for such things, 20 month olds LOVE to get into make up
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4 days ago
ahahahaa! Caroline's, "GO Woman!" made me laugh out loud! plus, how does she know it is a woman??
Susanna all dressed up on the kitchen table, oh my goodness... she is so cute. and i see grace in the background of the last picture :)) she's pretty cute, too!!
They are so precious! Just cracks me up that she is always on the table! haha
Love it! So cute!
I know it probably isn't always funny to you, but it cracks me up that Susanna is always on the kitchen table!!!
they are so cute! I love that you documented some of the things they say!
what a cute post. you have such fun girls. kg would love to meet your girls. come to austin!
Jamie, she says it to all cars, I don't have a clue.
The table thing is very funny to me, maybe she senses that I secretly get a kick out of it!
VJ, we need to come to austin very very soon. bring our table climbing, car yelling on the road:)
Oh, I love when little kids use big's so cute! And those pictures of Susanna are hilarious! :)
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