Monday, May 28, 2012

And now there are three

We have added a whole new person to Landry Land and so my memory doesn't forget these sweet moments, I figured I better dust the old blog off and post these for myself. And these 3 girls!

 Bethany Hope  4 weeks old
 Susanna Jane 3 (almost 4) years old
 Caroline Joy 6.5 years old
 Their first dog pile
A little chat

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

hi blog-o-sphere

this little cutie turned 2

helped a sweet friend celebrate turning 30
Caroline went to Princess Prep school
posing during the performance
she spotted us:)

Well, were did we go? We disappeared from the blog-o-sphere. I am going to try to start blogging again, I love the thought of getting caught up, but we will see. The rodeo pictures have GOT to go. So accept this meaningless post to get me back in the swing of blogging. We have a big year coming up and I want to write about it so we can remember!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

more pictures

Our trip to the rodeo, it was fun and tiring:)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

just pictures

Saturday, February 6, 2010

makes me laugh

These two girls make me laugh, shall I be honest some of these things make me want to scream, but usually I laugh.


in the car she often says"GO woman" talking to cars in front of us. {She already is a Houston driver! }

Everything she eats is delicious

She won't eat food if she doesn't deam to be beautiful {?}

She throws words around like responsible and recognize like Susanna throws food off her tray
WILL.NOT. stay off the kitchen table

every sweet treat is called a dookie{she can't get enough of them}

all animals are called puppies, except cats

she will not say Caroline, only Dister{ask her to say Caroline, she says "Dister"}

she has the cutiest little kissy face

favorite song Itsy Bitsy Spider

looking at books, she HAS to sit in your lap when this happens :)

I remembered recently why I have stored my makeup in a bag on the counter for a couple of years, instead of in the drawer that is meant for such things, 20 month olds LOVE to get into make up

the winners

Winner number 1 for commenting first, Kari
Winner number 2, whose name was drawn out of one of Caroline's toy drums by Caroline, is Joy.

You lucky ladies win a sweet little calendar, here is a picture of mine sitting right by our home phone. PLEASE email me your address soon. Facebook message would work too. You have so many options! ha. And a big THANKS to everyone for checking her blog out. Hopefully the internet connection there will be decent enough for her to blog often.